The Radiant Awards

Innovation & Vision in Identity Systems

9 April 2021, AVANI Riverside Bangkok Hotel

The jury for the evaluation of the Radiant Awards will be made up of the Chairman of APSCA together with independent consultants that are experts in the field of electronic identity.

Radiant Awards entrants are forbidden from contacting or communicating with the jury members in relation to their submissions under any circumstances.

The jury may ask entrants for additional information about their submissions. Refusal to supply, or late submissions of, such information may result in the entry being disqualified.

The decision of the Radiant Awards jury is final and no appeals against jury decisions can be made. The jury is not required to provide reasons for their marking of entries or for rejecting any entry.

Radiant Awards entrants must provide true and accurate information in their submissions and are also prohibited from omitting important information that could lead to erroneous jury decisions. In such cases the jury reserves the right to reject an entry or disqualify the Radiant Award recipient including requiring return of the award and publication of disqualification in the media.

Ross Greenwood, Independent Consultant

Ross Greenwood, Independent Consultant

Ross Greenwood works as a consultant undertaking assessments for IOM, ICAO, OSCE and other international organisations and provides advice to agencies and vendors involved in passport issuance and civil registration, border control, biometrics and identity management. Until 2010, Ross was a senior executive in the Australian Passport Office with responsibility for the design of Australian passports; the application of biometrics in passport issuance; and preventing deterring and investigating passport fraud. Ross was Australia's delegate to the ICAO Machine Readable Travel Document TAG from 2007 to 2010 and the inaugural Chairperson of ICAO's Public Key Directory Board. He worked for the Australian Department of Immigration from 1977 to 2007 where he served in border control and identity management roles. Ross holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from the Australian National University and during his government service completed postings at Australian diplomatic missions in Turkey, Mauritius, Kenya, Syria and Hong Kong.

Alan Gelb, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development Alan Gelb, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development-logo

Alan Gelb, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development

Alan Gelb is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Development. His recent research includes the applications of biometric ID technology for development purposes particularly in low and middle-income countries, the special challenges of resource-rich countries, and instruments to link aid flows to results. He also works on competitiveness and industrial development, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. He was previously Director of Development Policy at the World Bank, and before that was Chief Economist for the World Bank's Africa region. He was also Staff Director for the 1996 World Development Report "From Plan to Market". He has published widely in these areas, including in refereed journals.

Sjef Broekhaar, Owner & Senior Advisor Sjef Broekhaar, Owner & Senior Advisor-logo

Sjef Broekhaar, Owner & Senior Advisor

Sjef Broekhaar is now the Owner and Senior Advisor of the Consultancy BORIDEN, founded April 2016 and based in the Netherlands. He has been for more than 40 years in the domain of Border & Identity Management, Document development and examination and gained considerable experience and expertise working in Immigration, National Police Agency, Passport Office and International organizations, performing responsibilities related to border control, immigration, system development, passport security and international cooperation. He joined IOM in January 2008 in Manila, Philippines and was transferred to Bangkok Thailand in January 2009. He worked as an Immigration and Border Management Specialist and developed the Verifier T & D and was the originator and co-organizer of the Border Management Conference (BMC).

Greg Pote, Chairman, APSCA Greg Pote, Chairman, APSCA-logo

Greg Pote, Chairman, APSCA

Greg Pote is Chairman of the Asia Pacific Smart Card Association (APSCA), the business association for identity and payments applications in Asia, which he co-founded in 1997. Based in Shanghai, Greg travels throughout the region to promote digital identity and digital payments, assisting APSCA members to develop their businesses, initiatives and schemes. Greg has spoken at more than 200 industry conferences, forums and seminars covering identity and payments business and technology across 19 countries in Asia Pacific, South Asia, the Gulf and Africa. Greg chaired the majority of these industry events, including moderating business and technology discussions with leading experts from governments, financial institutions, transport operators, telecoms operators and technology companies. Greg has been a jury member for the Cartes Paris and Cartes Asia SESAMES Awards, the NFC Forum & WIMA Global Competition and the PKI Innovation Awards.

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